In a strong show of diversity and celebration of different world cultures, Sega’s own Shadow the Hedgehog has taken to shouting ‘cunt’ during the Olympic soccer competition, like a filthy fucking bogan. “I started hanin’ out with that echidna, ya know? I mean, I always thought he was a mean fucker, but once you get […]
TRR: Sonic Mania Promises A Return to Form for a Fifth Time

Just like Sonic Rush, Sonic the Hedgehog 4, Sonic Colors, and Sonic Generations before it, Sega hopes to go back to the series’ roots for a fifth time to play on peoples’ nostalgia and false expectations for the Sonic franchise. This time, in true 2D. “Fuck it, why not?” Sonic Team head Takashi Iizuka reportedly […]
Why Sonic is the Best Story in Gaming

When you think of Sonic the Hedgehog, you think of the Blue Blur whose just gotta go fast in order to stay way past cool, right? Maybe you think of chili dogs and rockin’ jams instead. But have you ever thought about why Sonic is running? What is he running from? Is it simply […]
Sonic Generations (3DS) Review

This article was originally published on my personal website, I grew up on Super Nintendo. I was one of those kids that told Genesis fanboys to shove it while I enjoyed the beauty of Yoshi’s Island. I was all about SNES back in the day, until sometime in early 2000 when I went to […]